WebChapel ministries began as a personal project to provide websites to ministries after some early attempts by others were abandoned.
Funds for over thirty years have been primarily provided through speaking honoraria. The domain names and hosting have all been provided at no charge to the ministry served.
The cost has grown significantly and the current hosting service does not support automated renewal of SSL (security certificates).
Several sites are now hosted on a Linux server with an open source control panel. WordPress and a variety of other website options can be installed in minutes.
Free SSL certificates can updated automatically saving hours of work.
Storage and Memory can be upgraded as sites are added, eliminating the need for multiple hosting accounts.
We have been paying for as many as five hosting accounts and have managed as many as fifty websites.
As sites are migrated to this server we expect to drop our monthly costs by up to 50%.
We are asking new and existing clients to cover the cost of their domain name registration, and consider contributing to hosting cost when possible, but we depend upon the LORD to meet our need.
Contact: News@Webchapel.org

We really need people to become site managers to monitor this service, perform maintenance and upgrades. Most sites are WordPress.
The goal has been to make this a non-profit with a board to keep the service running perpetually.